Deborah Shizgal - Principal

Dorset Elementary School
Baie D'Urfé, QC

Cycle 3 iPad Program



Welcome to Cycle III and the Dorset iPad Program; we are very excited to be entering into our tenth year. This information was created to help guide you in your transition into the Cycle 3 iPad Program at Dorset.


A little history...

In August 2012 we launched the iPad 1 to 1 program at Dorset School. Years of research and professional development were the precursor to implementing the program here at Dorset. Dorset was the first school in the Lester B. Pearson School Board to launch an iPad 1 to 1 program at the elementary level. Since that time, two other schools in our board have implemented iPad 1 to 1 programs and technology use is expanding exponentially.

During that first year of the program (2012-2013) we participated in a research study with Dr. Krista Muis from McGill University which examined how technology-rich learning environments (TREs) may enhance students' mathematics problem solving at the elementary educational level. The results from this research were very encouraging and the study was expanded upon in 2014-2015 at Dorset and two other schools.

At Dorset, the iPad is an educational tool that is used in conjunction with many other tools. The iPad gives us the possibility of designing highly creative projects for the children to stretch their learning. Research has shown that using iPads in the classroom allows us to redefine learning and address the learning styles of all students. Using the iPad helps students to understand on a more profound level and better retain their learning. We use both traditional and technological tools in our classrooms; and yes we still teach handwriting!


Our team

We are proud of our innovative educators who are at the forefront of technology implementation in education. Members of the Cycle 3 team have participated in research on technology rich learning environments and have attended extensive professional development. One of our teachers is an Apple Distinguished Educator and her Secret Garden lesson was chosen as 1 of 3 lessons featured on the Apple website.



Copyright 2024 Dorset Elementary School