Deborah Shizgal - Principal

Dorset Elementary School
Baie D'Urfé, QC


Welcome to Dorset Elementary School!



27 Pizza Lunch
3-7 March Break
School & SEED daycare closed
10 School resumes
13 Pizza Lunch





Dorset offers an Early Immersion Program to approximately 300 students. Approximately 50% of our students come from the on-island communities of Baie D'Urfé, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue and Senneville, while 50% of our students come from the off-island community of Notre-Dame-de-l'ile Perrot and Ile Perrot. Our student population is diverse in terms of ethnic origin, socio-economic status, academic abilities and social adaptation. Our bilingual and multicultural environment is supportive of shared decision making and open communication.

Student success is fostered through a comprehensive curriculum, effective and innovative teaching strategies, ongoing professional development and continuous support of individual student growth. We strive to provide a safe and caring climate, in which respect and trust is cultivated between all stakeholders; students, staff, parents and the larger community.

One of the main reasons Dorset has such a vibrant school culture is that alongside a dynamic and challenging academic program is an incredible enrichment program offering clubs and activities such as; Peace Pals, Environment Club, Extracurricular Program, school plays and concerts, participation/hosting LBPSB sports tournaments and lunchtime intramural sports program.

A strong focus of our academic program is the effective integration of information technology to enhance teaching and learning opportunities for all. All classrooms are equipped with Smartboards as well teachers have access to three mobile labs equipped with iPads and netbooks.

Dorset continues to work on STEAM initiatives throughout K - 6. We have many community partners who come to present and work with our students on a regular basis. These partnerships enrich the students' experiences in Science and Technology.

Parent volunteers are very much a part of the learning environment at Dorset. Many volunteers support student learning by helping in the library, being reading buddies, assisting on field trips, and working on school committees such as Home and School and the Governing Board. We applaud the efforts of our parent volunteers and others from the community who so generously give their time and in so doing, make Dorset a better school for all.


2024-2025 School Hours

9:00 - 9:10

Supervision begins

9:10 - 10:45

Morning Classes

10:45 - 11:05

Morning Recess

11:05 - 12:35

Morning Class

12:35 - 1:30


1:30 - 2:45

Afternoon Class

2:45 - 3:05

Afternoon Recess

3:05 - 3:50

Afternoon Class


Departure of Busses

IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT DISMISSAL: Changes to the daily routine must be made before 11:00 am (excluding emergencies). We ask that when possible, you inform the homeroom teacher and the main office in writing.


Mission Statement

The community of Dorset School is dedicated to educating lifelong active learners who are respectful of self and others, effective bilingual communicators and technologically literate. We achieve this by providing a safe and caring climate. A Dorset graduate will be self-confident, a creative problem solver and a successful and productive member of a global community, ready for the challenges and responsibilities of being a contributing citizen within a rapidly changing world.


Vision Statement

The community of Dorset School strives to provide a community school where parents feel welcome to become partners in their child's education, where commitment to learning and success for all is a priority. Dorset is proud to remain committed to working with our community in order to enrich our students learning and experiences.

More About Us


Lunch & SEED Programs

Find information about our Lunch & SEED Programs here...


Governing Board

Governing Board

Our Governing Board meets monthly...


Home & School

Home & School

We have a very active Home & School Association...





SEED Parking

Parking is prohibited on the diagonal white lines. Please use a designated parking spot.

When picking up your children after school, please wait behind the fence until the school busses have left. This helps to avoid congestion while students are exiting the building.


Nut  and Peanut Policy

No nuts, peanut butter, their by-products or look-alike products are allowed. Please read labels carefully. The safety of some students and staff members depend on your help. 


Copyright 2025 Dorset Elementary School